
by Jerry Sky

Thoughts, notes, and interesting external resources on TypeScript.

1. Resources

1.1. Type-safety

2. Classes and Interfaces

Without defining a constructor there is no way to check if a given attribute (of actual type string) is in a certain object (that is a member of some given class) if the object is empty. TypeScript doesn’t include the properties of a class in the compiled program; to check if a given prop is in a certain object type (in a class definition one can say) you have to use an ad-hoc generated staple object that is a member of this class — this way the constructor will be called and it will initialize all the properties thus Object.keys will not return an empty array but an array with all properties initialized by the constructor.

Below is an example class with a constructor that initializes all class’ attributes.

class Example {
    one: string;
    two: number;
    three: number[];

    constructor() {
        this.one = 'some';
        this.two = 'example';
        this.three = 'data';

Now, to check if a given string is an attribute use:

if (attr in new Example) {
    console.log(attr, 'is a property in `Example`');

If the constructor isn’t defined in the Example class, the condition in the above if statement will always reject any string property.

To allow creating objects with custom initializing values you could improve constructor by adding an optional argument:

constructor(example: Partial<Example> = {}) {
    this.one = example.one || 'some';
    this.two = example.two || 'example';
    this.three = example.three || 'data';

This way you could create a new instance of this class with some custom parameters. However, this argument is optional so it can be omitted: new Example().

It is important to note that defining the argument as optional using the ? symbol won’t work.

constructor(example?: Partial<Example>) {...}

If the constructor is defined as above then creating a new object (new Example()) will result in an error of a TypeError:

TypeError: Cannot read property '...' of undefined

as the argument object hasn’t been provided.
Setting the default value to {} resolves this issue.

3. Extracting a property from a derived class (a proposal)

An obscure issue, but still a valuable one to consider.

We have two classes of which one is derived from the other:

class Base {
    one: string;

    constructor() {
        this.one = 'data';

class Derived extends Base {
    two: number;

    constructor() {
        this.two = 27;

an instance of the Derived class:

const object: Derived = new Derived();

We want to extract properties that are defined by Base class from this object and remove all that are defined by the Derived class. In this case we want to get an object with only the one property.

const objectExtracted: Base = new Base();

The first solution would be to loop through all properties of the object properties and assign all values to properties that exist in objectExtracted’s type which is the Base class.

We need to define a predicate function that states whether a given string property name is an actual property name:

class Base {

    public static hasKey(val: any): val is keyof Base {
        return val in new Base();

This function creates a staple instance of the Base class that contains all of its properties (it is important to define a proper constructor for this class — more here) and checks whether the provided string is an actual object key.

However, the following code isn’t enough:

for (const prop in object) {
    if(Base.hasKey(prop)) {
        objectExtracted[prop] = object[prop];

as it will bring up an error that some type can’t be cast to the type “never”. This type exists because of uncertainty which type should be used here when accessing a property of objectExtracted.

The solution is to define a function which extracts a given property from one object to another whilst at the same time being type-safe:

export function ExtractProperty<T1, T2 extends T1, K extends keyof T2>(
  target: T1, source: T2, property: K, hasKey: (val: any) => val is keyof T1): void {
  if (hasKey(property)) {
    target[property] = source[property];

This function assigns the property value from the source object to target only if target has a property of the same name. This function requires using a predicate which makes sure the object keys are handled properly.

This function essentially moves the problem to an abstract level at which it resolves the type uncertainty issue.

Now, we can rewrite our loop:

for (const prop in object) {
    if(Base.hasKey(prop)) {
        ExtractProperty(objectExtracted, object, prop, Base.hasKey);

so it uses the ExtractProperty function.

4. Type hierarchy, difference between void, null, etc.

TypeScript introduces a set of rules that define relationships between all types found in the language.

TS type relations tree
The main spine of the type relations tree.

Apart from the “truthy” values, there are also “negative” values in JS. TypeScript introduces a few more of these and also establishes a set of relations between all of them.

4.1. Assignability

any unknown object void undefined null never
any Y Y Y Y Y N
unknown Y N N N N N
object Y Y N N N N
void Y Y N N N N
undefined Y Y Y’ Y Y’ N
null Y Y Y’ Y’ Y’ N
never Y Y Y Y Y Y

The table of relations between various “negative” values in TS. It shows types of variables (columns) that accept types of values (rows).

4.2. Types as sets

Think of types as sets of possible values they can contain. Languages in a mathematical sense.

For example the never type is the equivalent of an empty set (\emptyset), an empty language that has no words.

The any type on the other hand is a language that contains every possible value, the domain of the variable system, for any variable vv that can be represented in TypeScript, vv \in any. An equivalent of a RegEx expression that accepts any character that repeats an unlimited number of times (.*).

Type combination works just like operations on sets.

  1. Set intersection (C=ABC = A \cap B) ts type C = A & B =A \because \emptyset = \emptyset \cap A \\ \therefore ts never & A // resolves to `never`.
  2. Set union (C=ABC = A \cup B) ts type C = A | B A=A \because A = \emptyset \cup A \\ \therefore ts never | A // resolves to `A`.


5. infer

The infer is used for extracting a type that is not directly available or has an importable definition.

For example, when a function f expects an argument of certain type T, and this type T has not been marked for export in this function f’s module, use infer to extract type T.

import { f } from 'module'

type T = typeof f extends (arg: infer T) => any ? T : never

const x: T = {
    one: 21,
    two: 37,

// […]

f(x) // no type errors

This way you can extract the exact type given function expects. The source article presents an example that benefits greatly from this functionality.


x: number[]


y: [number, number]

do not have equal types, one x cannot be accepted as an y substitute.


const g = (x: {a: [number, number]}) => x.a[0] + ', ' + x.a[1]

const a = [2137, 1448]


generates an error.

TS2322: Type 'number[]' is not assignable to type '[number, number]'.
Target requires 2 element(s) but source may have fewer.

The key word here is “may” — another example of TS’s great type-safety system.

Source article: Understanding infer in TypeScript