
by Jerry Sky

Definition and a few examples of the ‘Case government’ (Rektion) in the German language.

1. 1. Definition

Case government (Rektion) describes a situation in which a verb (Verb) or preposition (Präposition) is governing the grammatical case on its noun phrase complement.

2. 2. Beispiele

2.1. 2.1. um etw. (Akk.) bitten (to ask for something)

2.2. 2.2. an etw. (Akk.) denken (to consider something)

2.3. 2.3. sich (Akk.) für etw. (Akk.) interessieren (to be interested in sth.)

2.4. 2.4. über etw. (Akk.) lachen (to laugh at sth.)

2.5. 2.5. mit etw. (Dat.) spielen (to play with sth.)