„Da“ Wörter

by Jerry Sky

The “Da” words.


1. 1. Stand-ins

First use case for these “da” words is stand-ins — simple reference to an object that was mentioned before in the sentence or in the previous sentence.

1.1. 1.1. Examples

  1. Ich träume davon. (der Party)
  2. Ich denke daran. (meinen Termin)
  3. Ich freue mich darauf. (das Festival)

1.2. 1.2. Anti examples

“Da” words are only used when in reference to non-living beings: e.g. people and animals are not subject to these “da” words.

  1. Ich habe mein Buch von ihr. (Maria)
  2. Ich denke an ihn. (meinen Opa)
  3. Ich spiele mit ihr. (der Katze)

2. 2. Sentence conjunction (Präpositionalobjekt)

Second use case for these “da” words is to connect two sentences. In other words, the word that needs eine Präposition is replaced with a sentence and the preposition serves the function of a conjunction between these two sentences. This preposition is a pointer that points to the next sentence.

The following examples clear any possible confusion about these Präpositionalobjekten.

2.1. 2.1. Examples

  1. Maria wartet darauf, dass der Bus kommt.
    Maria waits for the bus to come.
  2. Ich freue mich darauf, von dir zu hören.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. Ich denke darüber nach, meinen Job zu wechseln.
    I am thinking about changing jobs.
  4. Ich bin sauer darauf, dass mein Mitbewohner nie saubermacht.
    I am angry that my flatmate never cleans.
    Here, the “dass” is represented by “that” in English, however the “darauf” is still needed.